How often do you get the opportunity to help other people by doing something great for yourself? Not very often, right? Well here’s your chance! Right now you can make a huge difference in the lives of children in our community and around the world just by getting your teeth whitened.
Starting this month and continuing through June, Harris Dental will be participating in the Smiles for Life Campaign. Our team of experienced cosmetic dentists is offering professional teeth whitening services at a greatly reduced cost to you. During the campaign, 100 percent of the funds raised at Harris Dental will be donated to children’s charities. Half will be presented to a local charity here in Phoenix; the rest will be given to the Smiles for Life Foundation to distribute to other worthy causes.
The Smiles for Life Foundation is a charitable program created and run by the Crown Council, an association of some of the top dentists in North America. The campaign spans a four month time period each year. When it is over, all of the proceeds are donated to children’s charities across the United States and Canada. Since the first campaign in 1998, the Smiles for Life Foundation has been able to raise over $27 million, benefitting nearly 500 charitable organizations, including St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Children’s Miracle Network, Smiles for Hope, the Kids Cancer Care Foundation, and more.
How does it work? The entire Harris Dental team is donating all of our services during this campaign. Additionally, all the products that will be used to whiten your teeth have been graciously provided by Discus Dental. That means every penny earned will go toward helping seriously ill, disabled, and underprivileged children here in Phoenix and across the globe.
If you would like to participate, all you need to do is contact us to schedule a free teeth whitening consultation. At that time, we will take a few minutes to determine if you are a good candidate for a whitening procedure. Then we can get started on brightening your smile right away.
Not only are the professional teeth whitening services offered here at Harris Dental in Phoenix fast, easy, and comfortable, but now you get the added benefit of knowing you are helping a child in need. Whitening your teeth has never felt better!
Even if you’ve already had your teeth whitened, you can still contribute by giving someone else the gift of a brighter smile. Either call our office to arrange for a friend or family member to receive a professional teeth whitening as a gift from you, or simply pass the word along to everyone you know. The more awareness we create about Smiles for Life, the more money we can raise to help the children.
Call us today at (480) 428-0040 to schedule your appointment and make a difference in the life of a child.